Tuesday 9 December 2014

New innovation in green technology

With changing times the villages in india are also changing mobile two and four wheelers can be witness  in villages but one thing that has not changed is " mud stoves" .
    Young entrepreneurs neha Juneja,ankit mathur ,Michael ,Karthik ramesh found that these mud stoves are having severe effects on the village lives. So they planned to design a stove which consumes less fuel,less time and emits less smoke and give more  heat .
                They started green way grameen infra organization and  designed green way smart stove which emits less carbon monoxide and dioxide . This indirectly saves the trees from deforestration.compared to ordinary mud stoves,this emits 70% less smoke and consume  65% less fuel . One green way smart stove saves 5 trees per year, saves 304 hours,saves 1.5 tons carbon dioxide. The organization has got an award for its eco friendly product from Yashden.


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