Monday, 10 June 2013

Einstein was right

 Scientists who suggested neutrinos could travel faster than light conceded  that Einstein was right and the sub-atomic particles are like everything else bound by the universe's speed limit. 

Researchers working at  CERN caused a storm when they published experimental results showing the particles could out-pace light by some six kilometres (3.7 miles) per second. 

The findings threatened to upend modern physics and smash a hole in Albert Einstein's 1905 theory of special relativity, which described the velocity of light as the maximum speed in the cosmos. 

The neutrinos were timed   from CERN's giant underground lab near Geneva to the Gran Sasso Laboratory in Italy, after travelling 732 kilometers (454 miles) through the Earth's crust. 

 The neutrinos should have taken 0.0024 seconds. Instead, the particles were recorded as hitting the detectors in Italy 0.00000006 seconds sooner than expected. 
The initial findings had been greeted with a combination of excitement and skepticism. 


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