Wednesday, 16 January 2013

iflex ??

@ Smart flexible phones

The chase for this year is the new smart flexible phones concept by de poorter design Inc. So this would complicate the production rate between the Apple Inc. and Samsung Inc. This year 2013 we are on our way to use the flexible screened mobile phones. As the model is specified by the de poorter design Inc was that its case is made with aluminium foils and in the central part of the mobile that sleeks to action with silicone threading design.So this iflex phones would be bent into two halves that makes the total design so vivid.This would need the OLED touch screens which would easily tampered with the situation.

This new phase of mobiles would log to create new applications inventions for the developers called flex apps. This flex are designated to design in accordance with the dimensions and the central division of the iflex  phones.

Hope this would create a huge revolution by the de poorter design Inc in collaboration with Apple Inc and Samsung Inc.


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